1975/HDS/ld |
30 May, 1942
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NUMBER 3 -- 1942 |
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1.Information available indicates that the Japanese plan an all-out-attack on Midway with a view to its capture. This attack may start any hour now.
2.Our job is to hold Midway. We are to have assistance of other forces to help us do our job. Our aviation forces have been strongly reenforced. Daily long range patrols are made to locate hostile forces and track them to within striking distance of our air force. One of our most important jobs, therefore, is to protect our aircraft on the ground and in the water against hostile attack. As long as we keep our aircraft flying they can work on hostile carriers, transports and other surface craft. We must not let our aircraft be attacked while on the ground taking off or being serviced, We must also be careful not to fire on our own planes. Keep cool, calm, and collected; make your bullets count.
3.Once the air attack starts, it is likely that the Japs will try to make it a succession of bombing and strafing attacks in order that our planes will have difficulty refueling. It is our job to make these attacks as costly as possible by accurate fire and destruction of hostile planes. At night we will probably be bombarded. Our torpedo boats will help attack hostile ships.
4.After the Japs figure that our air force is out and that defensive installations have been sufficiently weakened, they will attempt a landing.
5.This is the first time the Japs have attempted to take an American fortified place so far from their bases. This time they are coming to us and we have the opportunity of a lifetime to reflect glory on our Corps and ourselves by not only accomplishing our mission but also by the damage and destruction we can inflict on the enemy. The better we do our job, the sooner the war will be over.
6.Be alert and on your toes. Don't unnecessarily expose yourself or fire prematurely. Keep cool. There will be a lot of banging and booming but don't let this confuse you. In a battle the odds may seem to be against you for a time and things may appear to be going badly for our side, but always remember that the enemy is in a worse fix than you are. A torpedo, bomb or shellfire may sink a ship or boat but our islands will still be here when it's all over. It is the tenaciousness on the part of the individual soldier and the will to win, coupled with cool and deliberate action and shooting that wins battles. Don't fire land mines prematurely. Much of the effect of land mines depends on the firer keeping his head and firing the right string at the right time. We must also be alert against parachute troops and troops endeavoring to infiltrate by boat.
7.Our President, our Country, our Corps, and the Commander-in-Chief of the Pacific Fleet are depending on us and we will not let them down.

Colonel, U.S. Marine Corps,
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Dist: "B" & "C" NAS 10 MAG 10